IoT 플랫폼 소개


1. 사물인터넷(IoT, Internet of Things) 이란?

2. IoT 서비스 구현을 위해서는 무엇이 필요한가? [1]

2.1 스마트 디바이스

2.2 통신 네트워크

2.3 소프트웨어 백엔드

2.3.1 클라인트-서버 모델 [참고자료]

2.3.2 클라우드 서비스란?

3. IoT 플랫폼

3.1 플랫폼 이란?


3.2 IoT 플랫폼 정의

3.3 개방형 IoT 플랫폼이란?

3.4 IoT Platform 아키텍처 [6]

  1. Connectivity & normalization: brings different protocols and different data formats into one “software” interface ensuring accurate data streaming and interaction with all devices.
  2. Device management: ensures the connected “things” are working properly, seamlessly running patches and updates for software and applications running on the device or edge gateways.
  3. Database: scalable storage of device data brings the requirements for hybrid cloud-based databases to a new level in terms of data volume, variety, velocity and veracity.
  4. Processing & action management: brings data to life with rule-based event-action-triggers enabling execution of “smart” actions based on specific sensor data.
  5. Analytics: performs a range of complex analysis from basic data clustering and deep machine learning to predictive analytics extracting the most value out of the IoT data-stream.
  6. Visualization: enables humans to see patterns and observe trends from visualization dashboards where data is vividly portrayed through line-, stacked-, or pie charts, 2D- or even 3D-models.
  7. Additional tools: allow IoT developers prototype, test and market the IoT use case creating platform ecosystem apps for visualizing, managing and controlling connected devices.
  8. External interfaces: integrate with 3rd-party systems and the rest of the wider IT-ecosystem via built-in application programming interfaces (API), software development kits (SDK), and gateways.

3.5 IoT 플랫폼 사용 사례 [7]

사용사례 1: Smart washing machine의 누수 방지 기능

3.6 다양한 IoT 플랫폼 제품들



  1. 사물인터넷(IoT)을 구현하려면 무엇이 필요한가요?,

  2. 김진수, 4차 산업혁명을 시작하는 기술 IoT 플랫폼, pp.143-145 광문각

  3. IoT 도입의 필수 요소 'IoT 플랫폼',

  4. Top Eight IoT Platforms to Watch in 2019,

  5. What is an IoT platform,

  6. 5 things to know about the IoT Platform ecosystem,

  7. IoT Platforms - Central backbone for the IoT,